The Wilkes County Papers, 1777-1833. (E-BOOK)
By: Robert S. Davis, Pub. 1979, reprinted 2019, 396 pages, E-BOOK, Index, ISBN #978-1-63914-423-5. Wilkes County is Georgia’s oldest county, being the first of the original eight created by the first state constitution in 1777. The Federal Census of 1790 revealed that one-third of the population of Georgia was living in Wilkes County. Since 1790, lands that once were part of Wilkes County have been used to create all or parts of present-day Elbert, Hall, Lincoln, Madison, McDuffie, Oglethorpe, Taliferro, and Warren. This book is a collection of never-before-published abstracts of collections of Wilkes County loose marriages, estates, poor school, military, land, court, state, and other records from libraries and archives throughout the South. NONE of these original papers abstracted here were available to Grace G. Davidson in compiling her famous: Early Records of Georgia, Wilkes County". Most of these papers were removed from Wilkes County by private individuals and were "Lost" to researchers until they turned up in manuscript collections throughout the South.