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Dodson (Dotson) Family of North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co., VA. The.: A History and Genealogy of their Descendants. ( Vol. #2 )


By: Mrs. Sherman Williams and Rev. S. Emmett Lucas, Jr., Pub. 1989, reprinted 2015, 740 pages, Hard Cover, Index, ISBN #0-89308-599-5.

Chapter 4: "Dangling Dodsons" This is information and genealogies on various Dodson-Dotson lines that have as yet not been connected to Charles Dodson of North Farnham Parish because of lack of records, which, however, are more than likely descendants of Charles, or of other Dodson-Dotson lines from PA. and New England. Chapter 5: "Legal Documentation for Dodson Descendants, Chapters 1, 2, and 3. Chapter 6: "Dodson of Chapter 1 and 2 received too late to be included in their proper places (in Chapter 2)."  Chapter 7: "Rochester, Pyles, and Allied Lines of the Publisher."  INDEX: A full name index of 96,000 descendant.