Obituaries from Early Tennessee Newspapers, 1794-1851. (E-BOOK)
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By: Rev. S. Emmett Lucas, Jr., Orig. Pub. 1978, reprinted 2005, 432 pages, Ebook, Index, ISBN #978-1-63914-262-0. As just described in the above book on Early Tennessee Marriage Notices, these Obituaries taken from the above Early Tennessee newspapers have been available ONLY at the Tennessee State Library & Archives in Nashville. These approximately 7,000 death notices contain date and place of death, sometimes the cause of death, survivors, age at time of death, etc.... A glance at these notices shows for instance: one person dying in 1807 aged 60; another dying in 1815 aged 88; another in 1832 aged 95. Thus, the reader can readily see that these Obituaries will often carry a person back well into the early 1700’s.