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Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1763-1779, Books 1-9.


By: Brent Holcomb, Pub. 1979, Reprinted 2018, 280 pages, soft cover, Index, ISBN #0-89308-108-6.  Mecklenburg county was formed in 1763 from Anson County and in turn Tryon County was formed from Mecklenburg in 1769. This book covers the period when Mecklenburg County also included portions of several South Carolina Counties: Cherokee, Chester, Greenville, Kershaw, Lancaster, Laurens, Newberry, Spartanburg, Union and York. So not only does this book have great significancy for persons researching in this area of N.C. but also for persons who are looking for relatives in the Up-Country of S.C. during the late 1700’s.