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Land Claims in the Mississippi Territory. (E-BOOK)

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By: Walter Lowrie, Editor, Orig. Pub. 1834, reprinted 2021, 304 pages, E-BOOK, Index, ISBN #978-1-63914-345-0.  Mississippi was formed from land ceded to the United States by South Carolina and Georgia. Part of the British Province of West Florida and part of the land ceded by the French made up the rest of the Territory of Mississippi in 1798. The Territory of Alabama was formed from the Territory of Mississippi in 1817. In 1817, statehood was granted to Mississippi.  In these records the original proprietor is named, by whom the land is presently being claimed, reason for change of title (purchase of inheritance), nature and extent of claim, and, if the claim was disallowed, the reason for disallowance. Contains the names of Approximately 5,000 persons.