History of the Baptist Denomination in Georgia with Biographical Compendium and Portrait Gallery of Baptist Ministers and other Georgia Baptists. (E-BOOK)
By: Samuel Boykin, Pub. 1881, reprinted 2022, 906 pages, Index, Ebook, ISBN #978-1-63914-272-9. A book of excellent source material for early Georgia families, as it contains biographical sketches of some 628 Georgia Baptist Ministers and Georgia Baptists. These biographical sketches will carry some of these individuals and their families well back into the middle to late 1700's. Surnames of biographies: Abell, Adams, Adkins, Amos, Anthony, Armstrong, Arnett, Ash, Atkinson, Baber, Bailey (2), Baker, Barrett (2), Barrow, Battle, Beck (2), Bennet, Black, Blakey, Blalock, Blewett, Blitch (4), Boyce, Boykin (2), Branham, Brantley (3), Bridges, Brittain, Brooks (2), Brown (2), Browne, Broadus, Burney, Butler, Buffington, Buford, Butler, Bunn, Buchanan, Butts, Burk, Burney, Cain, Callaway (9), Campbell (4), Carpenter, Carroll, Carson, Caswell (5), Carter (2), Cassidey, Cate, Cawood, Chanbliss, Chandler, Chaudion, Cheney, Cheves, Chiles, Clarke (2), Clements (2), Cleveland, Chett, Cloud, Coile, Colquitt, Cooper (4), Corley, Corn, Cowdry, Cran, Crawford (4), Cross, Cumbie, Cumming, Curry (2), Dagg (2), Daniel (2), Davis (4), Dawson, Dean, Defoor, DeVotie (2), Dodd, Donaldson, Duffey, Duggan (2), Dumas, Dupree (2), Eason, Edge (2), Edwards, Ellington, Everingham, Felts, Fleming, Fortson, Foster, Fowler, Fuller (3), Garland, Gaulden, George, Gibbs, Gibson (2), Geiger, Gilbert, Gordon, Goss (2), Gray, Griffin, Grisham, Gunn, Gwaltney, Gwin, Hall (2), Hamilton, Hanks (2), Haralson, Hardin, Hardman, Harris (2), Harrison, Harvey, Hawkins, Haygood, Headden, Hedden, Henderson, Hendrix, Hillyer, Hogue, Hollis, Holcombe, Holmes (2), Hooten, Hornady (2), Horne (2), Howell, Huff, Hyman, Irwin, Ivey (2), Jackson (4), James, Jessup, Jennings, Jewel, Johnson, Johnston, Joiner, Jones, Jumper, Kelly (2), Key, Kilpatrick (3), Kimbell (2), King, Lacy, Lamar, Landrum (4), Lankford, Langley, Lanier, Law, Lawton (2), Lewis, Little, Lofton, Lumpkin, Luther (2), Mallary, Manly, Manning, Mansfield, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Mathews (2), Maxwell, McCall (4), McCallum, McDaniel, McDonald, McIntosh, McMekin, McMichael, McMullen, McMurray, Mell, Mercer, Milner (3), Mitchell, Moncrief (2), Moor, Moore, Morcock, Morris, Murphy, Murrow, Muse (2), Neeson, Northern, Norton, Nunnally, Oliver, Overton, Owens, Pannel, Parker, Patillo, Patrick, Peek, Peeples, Perryman (2), Phillips, Pilcher, Pipkin, Pittman, Polhill (2), Pope, Posey, Powell, Price, Rabun, Rainey, Rainwater, Renfroe, Reeves, Rhodes, Rice, Richardson, Richter, Riley, Robert (2), Roberts, Robinson, Roop, Ross (2), Rushin, Ryals, Sams, Sanders, Sanford (2), Screven, Searcy, Shackleford, Shank, Shaver, Sherwood, Shivers, Shorter, Skinner, Slade, Smith (6), Spalding, Speairs, Springer, Stansberry, Steed (2), Steely, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stewart, Stillwell (2), Stout, Stocks, Stokes, Stratton, Strickland (2), Sumner, Swanson, Tatum, Taylor (2), Teague, Tebeau, Tharp (2), Thornton (3), Tomkies, Towers, Tucker, Tuggle, Tumlin (2), Tupper, Turner, Turpin, Tweedell, Underwood, Van Hoose, Vaughan (2), Verdrey, Vickery, Waldrop, Ward, Walker, Warren (2), Waugh, Weaver, Webb, Weekly, Welborn, West (2), Wharton, Whitaker, White, Wilkes (2), Willet, Williams (3), Willingham, Willis, Wilson (3), Wingate, Wood (2), Woodfin, Woolsey. Wright, Wyer, and Young.