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History of Butler County, Pennsylvania (Volume #1)

By: R.C. Brown & Company Publishers, Pub. 1895, reprinted 2025, 798 pages, New Index, soft cover, ISBN #978-1-63914-330-6.  Butler County was created in 1800 from Allegheny County in Western Pennsylvania.  This book is similar to other county history books of the era with such topics as: topography, explorers, Indians, organization of the county and towns, politics, education, newspapers, agriculture, railroads, medical & legal professions, oil & gas fields, and other issues that helped create the county.  There is a chapter devoted to early military history which lists veterans of the Revolutionary War and War of 1812, Muster Rolls of Butler County Companies, Mexican War Veterans, along with Pioneer Militia organizations with Muster Day Festivities and Companies and lastly the National Guard Military Enrollment.  The reader will discover that this book is filled with loads of genealogical information.  The several chapters of personal and family biography are among the MOST important features of this work.  The data for these sketches were obtained from the individuals and families to whom they relate and contain a vast fund of valuable information concerning the ancestry and history of Butler County people.  In nearly every instance the sketch was submitted to the subject family for correction, and the family members were in charge of finding and correcting errors.  The New Index that was created for this reprint contains the names of over 4,200 individuals.