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Greene County, Tennessee Minutes of the Court of Common Pleas, 1783-1795, Vol. #1.

By: Golden F. Burgner, Pub. 1981, Reprinted 2016, 331 pages, soft cover, Index, ISBN #0-89308-278-3.

Greene County was originally Tennessee County, having been formed in 1783.  Prior to its formation, it was part of North Carolina.  It is the parent county to: Blount, Cocke, Jefferson, & Sevier  As will be seen, it is a veritable gold mine of genealogical information for persons interested in Greene County and surrounding East Tennessee counties.     These records cover the time frame of 1783-1795.   In the  coroners, etc.  The court controlled the levying and expenditure of local taxes, matters dealing with public buildings, roads, bridges, etc. were handled by this court and it also selected and summoned juries.  Among the other responsibilities of the court found in its minutes were licenses granted to operaters of taverns, as well as deeds and bills of sale being acknowledged by the grantors.  the court oversaw a wide range of matters involving estates, including probate of wills, settlements of estates, and appraisements as well as matters dealing with bastardy, and many other valuable bits of information.