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Early Ohio Settlers: Purchasers of Land in Southwestern Ohio, 1800-1840

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By: Berry, Ellen T., David A. Berry, Pub. 1993, 388 pages, Hard Cover......

The second volume in this three-volume work, this book presents, in an easy to use tabular format, a complete list of the 25,000 persons who bought land in southwestern Ohio and eastern Indiana through the Cincinnati Land Office between the years 1800 and 1840. Data furnished with each entry includes the name of the purchaser, date of purchase, place of residence at the time of purchase, and the range, township, and section of the purchased land, thus enabling the researcher to ascertain the exact location of an ancestor’s land.  Previously, in locating a settler in southwestern Ohio, the researcher was obliged to spend hours if not days searching through numerous volumes of unindexed land records, but with this work the task is reduced to seconds.