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Cities, Towns & Communities of Georgia between 1847-1962. (E-BOOK)

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By: Marion R. Hemperley, Pub. 1980, reprinted 2005, 168 pages, E-BOOK, ISBN #978-1-63914-419-8.  This book is a "MUST" for anyone doing Georgia Research. This book by Deputy Surveyor General of the State of Georgia is a result of the many requests that department has had throughout the years for information on the location of Georgia’s long-ago dead towns. Such requests come from people finding the name of a town on a post mark, old letters, tax records, censuses and other official documents, seeking to know the location of that community. Mr. Hemperley found that, without a master list of the old as well as the new towns in Georgia, these questions could not readily be answered. Georgia has one of the richest & most interesting, legacy of town names of any state in the Union. This book covers over 8,500 places & the county in which they were or are located in.