Bladen County, North Carolina 1738-1804, Abstracts of Early Deeds.
By: Brent Holcomb, Pub. 1979, Reprinted 2018, 88 pages, soft cover, Index, ISBN #0-89308-189-2.
At is formation in 1734, Bladen encompassed everything west of the present county. Even though many of Bladen’s Deeds were lost in the three court house fires, these abstracts are especially informative, with many long chains of title going back to original grants and many references to bordering Craven County, S.C. This book will provide many links which were formerly thought forever lost.
Deeds are GREAT source for genealogical research due to the many and varied family members that are mentioned. Not only will the reader find the deed transaction itself, but often times such things as: marriages, relinquishment of dower, divisions of family farms among heirs, remarriages of widows are just a few of the matters you can anticipate finding within records of deeds.