Baldwin County, Georgia, History of.
By: Anna Maria Green Cook, Pub. 1925, reprinted 2023, 522 pages, Index, E-BOOK, ISBN #978-1-63914-445-7. Baldwin County, one of the original Georgia counties, was formed in 1805 from lands obtained from the Creek Indians in cessions of 1802 and 1805. It is the parent county to: Bibb, Jasper, Jones, Morgan, Putnam, Newton and Rockdale. This book is similar to other history of books of its era with such topics as: organization of the county, Indians tribes, treaties, old stage roads and Indian trails, religion, trade/commerce, schools, and towns being discussed. The reader will also find sections devoted to lists of soldiers of various wars, marriage records from 1807 to 1820. The genealogists will discover over 200 pages devoted to biographies of approximately 150 families. The new Full names index that was created for this reprint references approximately 6,000 persons. Surnames of biography's: Allen, Barron, Bass, Beckam, Beeson, Bell (2), Bigham, Bonner, Boykin, Brown, Butts, Calloway, Campbell (2), Case (2), Cline, Cobb, Compton, Cone, Conn, Cook, Cooper, Crawford (2), Crowder, DuBignon, Duncan, Edmondson, Ellison, Ennis, Fair, Farell, Fort, Furman, Garrard, Grantland, Green (2), Grieve (2), Gumm, Hall, Hammond, Harper, Harris, Hawkins, Herty (2), Hines, Horne, Humber, Hunter, Huson, Joseph, Kenan, Knight, Lamar (2), Lane, Leverette, Little, McComb, McCullar, McCullough, McIntosh, McKinley, Mitchell, Moore, Myrick (2), Newell, Orme, Parks, Pratt, Prince, Rabun, Richardson, Rutherford, Sanford, Scogin, Scott, Shinholser, Singleton, Stembridge, Stovall, Torrance, Tucker, Vinson, Waller, Whitaker, White, Wiedenman, Williams, and Williamson.