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A History of Shenandoah County, Virginia


By: John W. Wayland, Pub. 1927, Reprinted 2021, 874 pages, Index, ISBN #978-1-63914-006-0. Shenandoah County was created in 1778 from Dunmore which was created in 1782 from Frederick County, Virginia.  This book is not too different from other county history books of this era. With such topics as formation of county, Indians, trade and transportation, labor, churches, schools and Civil War - all important in the development of the county - are carefully discussed. This type of county history book can help one develop ideas or paths to those missing ancestors by showing the customs and traditions of the local residents.  The reader will also discover the author has included additional information such as heads of families in 1785, lists of militiamen and soldiers, public representatives and church members, Births and Baptisms 1773-1782, Marriages 1782-1800, and Civil War muster rolls. But the reader will find the 150 plus pages devoted to biographical sketches of immense help when researching family members of this region.